Educational Content



Endoscopy is a pain-free procedure.So don’t worry if you have got prescribed by our doctor. To know more about endoscopy, watch the full video on...

Change is required

Change is required

Change is required - more than what or when we eat, we need an overall lifestyle & mindset change. And we need to start this change by changing...

Are you feeling this?

Are you feeling this?

Constipation, can make life miserable.And if it prolongs for weeks that it is chronic constipation.We'll be sharing few tips in the story...

What your stool tells you?

What your stool tells you?

Poop-o-meter—Arihant Gastroenterology Centre Contact for appointment-93729766847021386921 Address-A Wing Ground Floor,, Lancelot Building, S V Road,...

Have you heard this before?

Have you heard this before?

Your brain sends a message & stimulates the rectum, the lowermost part of the large intestine, to pass stools.This physiological reflex is known...

Up your Hydration game

Up your Hydration game

Tell us what do you do to up your hydration game?—Arihant Gastroenterology Centre Contact for appointment-93729766847021386921 Address-A Wing Ground...